Donating to fuel effective change in the world

Independent Charity Evaluators research and investigate charities to try and determine which are the most effective at doing good with the resources at their disposal:

GiveWell – evaluates charities working to improve the lives of humans.

Animal Charity Evaluators – evaluates charities working to improve the lives of non-human animals.

Tip! You can create an account at Giving What We Can and set-up regular payments to several of the charities below all in one place!

Human Suffering

Family Empowerment Media

FEM enable informed family planning and birth spacing decisions through clear, compelling, and accurate radio-based communication. Check out their talk here.

Helen Keller International

HKI partners with governments across Africa and Asia to provide millions of children with lifesaving vitamin A supplements and other nutrients.

New Incentives

New Incentives provides cash incentives to increase childhood vaccination rates as a means of reducing childhood morality.

Animal Agriculture


Faunalytics works to connect animal advocates with information relevant to advocacy. They conduct and publish independent research and promote existing research and data.

Good Food Institute

GFI work to increase the availability of animal-free products. They support the development alternatives to animal products. They also support research and start-ups focused on alternative proteins.

Humane League

THL campaigns to change laws and regulations surrounding animal agriculture through grassroots campaigns, movement building, vegan advocacy and more.

Wild Animal Suffering

Wild Animal Initiative

WAI work to create an academic field dedicated to wild animal welfare. They compile literature reviews, write theoretical and opinion articles, and publish research results.

Rethink Priorities

Rethink Priorities research tractable and neglected opportunities for high-impact projects. They work to identify crucial questions where empirical research could produce trajectory changes.

Animal Ethics

Animal Ethics support and research interventions to improve the lives of wild animals. They explore ways technology can be used to help wild animals on a large scale.

Artificial Sentience

Sentience Institute

Sentience Institute is an interdisciplinary think tank researching long-term social and technological change, particularly digital minds and moral circle expansion.

Centre on Long-term Risk

CLR aims to address worst-case risks from the development and deployment of advanced AI systems. They also do interdisciplinary research.

Center for Reducing Suffering

CRS works to create a future with less suffering, with a focus on practical ways to reduce the risk of astronomical suffering.