Amanda Sukenick, Shweta Ramkumar
& Ash Wickety
Building A Healthy Antinatalist Community
Amanda Sukenick has been producing antinatalist content since 2010. She created the film The EFIList in 2016 and is the host of The Exploring Antinatalism Podcast. She has an up-coming book co-authored with Matti Häyry, Antinatalism, Extinction and The End of Procreative Self-Corruption.
Ash Wickety an antinatalist and animal rights activist. Ash has done extensive work with Stop Having Kids, and was the co-host of the former MNintersectional podcast.
Shweta Ramkumar is a childfree advocate who has been involved in organising and maintaining both online and in-person childfree communities in Australia. She also has experience breaking free from disempowering cultural conformity through choosing a childfree lifestyle whilst being a member of the south-asian diaspora.